Entries for the international category of “Films that develop the theme of human unity” are to be submitted via FilmFreeway.
Films for the three local categories
“Films made by Aurovilians, bioregion residents or guests of Auroville“,
“Films made about Auroville / bioregion”
and “Films made by students of Auroville / bioregion”
are to be entered using the submission form on this website.
a) The screening format is digital files in 1080p HD.
b) Films of any duration will be accepted.
c) The films for the three local categories must have been completed after 15 August 2021.
d) The films for the international category of “Films that develop the theme of human unity” must have been completed after 1 January 2021.
e) Cinema Paradiso will take responsibility for the final selection of all films.
f) If a film is rejected from one category, but is suitable for another one, it will automatically be transferred.
g) The prizes will be in kind and expressive of the spirit of Auroville.
h) 3 jury members will judge the films in the three local categories. No Aurovilians and no-one involved in the selection or organization process will serve on this jury.
i) The international category of “Films that develop the theme of human unity” will be judged by a separate jury of 3, at least one of whom will be Aurovilian and none of whom will be involved in the selection or organization process.
j) Our festival is totally non-commercial.
k) Deadline for submissions in the international category of “Films that develop the theme of human unity” is July 31, 2023.
l) Deadline for submissions in the three local categories is September 15, 2023.
m) Non-English submission must have English subtitles.