this film will also be screened in the category “films made by Aurovilians, guest of Auroville and residents of the bio-region” at the Auroville Film Festival 2015:
India’s Disappearing Beaches – A Wake Up Call
Venue: Edouard Michelin Auditorium
Date: 19th August 2015
Time: 6.30 p.m
Entry Free | Open to All
Passes available on
As a part of the Madras Week, the Alliance Française of Madras, INTACH and PondyCAN is screening a Video documentary: ‘India’s Disappearing Beaches – A Wake Up Call’.
‘India’s Disappearing Beaches – A Wake Up Call’ is a non-profit film produced in the public interest by Shekar Dattatri for Pondy Citizens’ Action Network (PondyCAN).In just 15 minutes one can discover why India’s beaches are eroding at an alarming rate, and what needs to be done to stop this disaster from spreading further. The film explains how coastal erosion takes place, especially human induced erosion, and how it is possible to not only prevent man-made erosion but to restore lost beaches through the right measures.
The screening is followed by a panel discussion.
Alliance Francaise of Madras
Communication Coordinator
Alliance Française of Madras
N°24, College Road
CHENNAI 600 006
Tamil Nadu Chennai