Lights, CAMERA, Action!… anyone attending movies at SAIIER or the Human Unity Roundtable discussions would have seen Well Paper’s paper mache movie camera made by Danny. The Camera is pointing the way to the SAIIER Conference room where daily movies and Human Unity Roundtable discussions took place. Well Paper was created during the aftermath of the Tsunami in 2005-2006… Danny and Orly taught Tamil women how to make things from used newspaper. These village women with very little education now travel around India teaching other women’s groups how to make useful things from newspaper…the seed is growing and expanding…
Welcome: With the backdrop of the European refugee crisis… Marco’s installation of welcoming refugees and diversity was a political and humanitarian plea for justice and compassion… best seen at night because flashing LED lights drawing peoples eyes to the boat of refugees and the banner promoting diversity… there were a number of films entered into the Human Unity category that dealt with migration/refugees…
Waterfall in the desert!?: Spectacular, stunning, awesome, wicked and sweet all described Ok’s (pronounced oak) waterfall of CDs. Two years ago OK made a creek of CD for the film festival ’13 and following in the water/CD theme she created this amazing waterfall of CD. And like Marco’s installation there were lights that created a rainbow of colors as the CDs shimmered in the wind… very amazing and we will post what it looked like on video in a couple of weeks, our video editor had to go film in Thailand… Ok is a partner (workwise) with designer Marc and they have created a workspace devoted to up-cycling – the art of taking rubbish/waste material and coming up with practical or beautiful creation. They have come up with ingenious designs of fashion, furniture, toys, installations, decoration, etc. They have an open invitation for other designers and producers to join them in designing up cycling products at their workshop in Udavi School.
Eating and conversation: Speaking of Marc, he is the one who came up with the design for the table and benches that came in so handy for eating and conversing. Marc borrowed the timber from Prakti Design. He also received help from Matrimandir and Citidine Scaffolding. This is the second year that Marc has organized the tables and crew, thank you mucho, Marc.
Contemporary commentary on the world at large: To cover all that a big ask, but this is what Soham tried to do in his series of detailed collages. He covered every thing from security, love, relationships, terrorist, and the path of humanity, gender roles, technology, the economy, the environment and more.
Kolam* Mod style: Christoph designed the logo and Michael made a stencil of it and then they used colored kolam powder to make a color kolam. However most days the rain washed the colors away…
* Purpose of kolams are not merely decorative. Kolam drawing has several social, spiritual and symbolic meanings attached to it. Those who practice this believe that drawing kolam purify the entrance space and this in turn will invite the goddess of wealth Laxmi to enter the house. This they believe would give the inmates all wealth and prosperity. (from yahoo questions)