4/10/15 DAY 3 of the AVFF ’15
A nice quiet Sunday… there is drizzle and patches of rain in the morning… but here in South India we need this nourishing and recharging water. It rained much of last night but let’s hope it clears just enough to let movie goers see the movies on tap for today. And there were two very good films, one The Revolutionary Optimist (this is a true story) playing this morning. It tells of this amazing man who has an NGO who works with children to empower them to take action to assist their slums become better places to live. And against all odds the children move mountains and succeed in getting clean piped water into their slums. Something everyone said was impossible… It might not seem like a big deal if you’re from the West/North, however if you’re from the South/poor countries then you know what an impossibility it is.
The second film was (… to be completed later)
Round Table Discussion on Human Unity (HU)
During the anti war movement of the late 60’ early 70’, posters and street art (we didn’t call it street art back then) would ask “What if there was a war and nobody came?”… I know you’re wondering what this has to do with the AVFF or the HU Round Table talks?…
Well the film crew showed up on time and so did Sasikant & Suresh but the panel, where was the panel (what if you had a panel discussion and the panel didn’t show?)? So we waited awhile and then decided that the show must go on. So Sasikant started asking the audience to comment on how film can be used as a vehicle for human unity. A very lively discussion took place and AVRadio and AVFF captured most of it on mike and camera. And we discussed some of the day before films! So even though the jury didn’t show we had a very interesting discussion.
Musica: They say that timing is everything and tonight’s music show clearly showed this… first the Sisters of Aurovillians took the stage front and centre and they sang like angels with 3 part harmony for about 10 minutes and then the heavens opened up and everyone headed for cover… the Sisters ended up in Café Morgan and did an impromptu unplugged session, but most of the people missed it… because they were starting to hover around the pizza oven…
Evening and the smell of the pizza wood oven burning, and Gobi 65, chicken 65, Paneer 65, chickpea salad (yes I realize that you can’t smell chickpea salad… I’ve been told that one can smell fresh rain so maybe that was the rain and not the chickpea salad…while the crowd started to gather for Emergence, Kaeridywn (she organized entertainment) was thinking of another venue for the second act (Emergence) because she didn’t want another washout! She came up with a winner, right next to Guna’s print shop? The band was all under cover (though the sound crew would have got wet if it rained…)
Krishna and Co… played a nice set (except for many guitar strings busting) and the crowds were very large and the pizza lines started to snake along…Soon after Emergence’ set the heavens opened up and everyone had to head for cover.
It rained all night…
photos by Marcos:
photos by Koteshwar: